Aet Level 3 Q1.1

1.1 Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training:

A teacher is a person who provides education for students. Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge or skills (Wikepedia 2016).

The first role of a teacher is to create a safe and inclusive learning environment and identify the needs and learning styles of their students. The needs may be physical (e.g. a disability or hearing problem) or social (e.g. English may be a second language, as is often the case with learners in the catering industry where I work). Students’ learning styles may be a mixture of Visual, Auditory, Read /write and Kinaesthetic. It is therefore the responsibility of the teacher to utilise a range of teaching methods to suit the learning styles of a variety of different students in the same class. (Gravells, 2013).

The teacher must then plan and deliver inclusive lessons, adapting to the needs and learning styles identified, using a range of resources, materials and props to ensure that all learners are engaged in the lesson. In my industry I am often working with groups of students who have very varied educational backgrounds, so I must ensure that any written materials I use can be easily understood by all and make good use of visual aids and practical demonstrations in my lessons in order to keep all students engaged.

In order to ascertain whether the lesson has been successful, the teacher must also carry out assessment of the learners’ knowledge, as well as give feedback and guidance to learners as a result of this assessment.

The key responsibility of a teacher is to facilitate and encourage their students to learn the skill or subject matter being taught, and to do so in a way that motivates the students to want to continue learning and advancing their knowledge.