Advisor to the Mayor

Advisor to the Mayor
No man is an island. In the workplace, having a team that works for a common vision is the greatest advantage. Whether you are a large corporation with workers all over the world or a small business with only a handful of employees, teamwork is essential to the success of any organization. Without a common goal, staff members and departments will wander off in pursuit of their own agendas and successes instead of focusing on what can be achieved as a single group. The City of Kelsey’s values and motives can help build teamwork relationships among city employees. This can occur when you create a work community, coordinating and supporting work towards common goals and keeping the lines of communication open and encouraged.
Methods to build effective teamwork are very simple. Sketch clear roles for every member of the team. This can be done during the hiring process, at the beginning of a new project or during individual and team evaluations and assessments. Assign jobs and job duties based on skill, interest and the needs of the team. Your place of work will function better if every team member is conscious of his or her part in completing a project or getting work done. Set goals. There should be daily goals, weekly or monthly goals, quarterly goals and annual goals. Each team member should understand and be able to recognize what they are working towards. Include team members in goal setting and diagramming out approaches to meet the goals. Employees will truly feel like a part of the team if they play an active role in charting the course. Implement a rigorous orientation process. When a new member joins the team, make sure he or she is immediately brought up to speed on policies, procedures, expectations and goals. Inspire other team members to lead the orientation instead of having managers and supervisors do it. This will encourage accountability and collaboration from your current and new team members.
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