Advantages of Kinesiology

Advantages of Kinesiology

Pam Britt
Mr. James
Earl of March Secondary School
16 December, 2010

Kinesiology is a multidisciplinary science encompassing the anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, psychomotor behaviour, and social and cultural factors involving a human being.1 The word kinesiology comes from the Greek words kinesis meaning “movement”, and logos, a combining form used in the names of sciences.2 Only throughout the last few decades have there been any systematic attempts to study the laws governing human motion using the methods of modern science with the demand for cogency and objectivity, so kinesiology is a major breakthrough for health sciences.3 The approach to movement and human performance makes kinesiology an important contributor to health and wellness, as well as to high athletic performance.4 Although critics say kinesiology is a misunderstood field to study in, it has been proven that kinesiology can improve your physical, and emotional athletic performance.
Why do kinesiologists play a vital role in today’s sport culture society? People have argued that kinesiology is not a true field of study, but others have stated that individuals can immensely benefit from it. Moreover, the most convincing explanation is that kinesiologists are important to today’s society because of the increased awareness in the health industry, their treatment for chronic injury and disease, but primarily because of their discoveries of new strategies for improved athletic performance.
Firstly, there is a new demand for kinesiologists as individuals are becoming more aware about their health and fitness.   Lack of exercise negatively affects the body, and can lead to obesity, heart problems, and a poor immune system.5 When you are not getting a sufficient amount of exercise, your internal system gets weak, and your immune system starts to deteriorate, failing to fight off disease.6 Kinesiologists can help individuals who are suffering from the...