Administration of Medication

Administer medication to individuals and monitor the effects

Identify current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures relevant to the administration of medication

Medicines Act 1968
This is an Act of Parliament within the United Kingdom. It governs the control of medicines for both human and animal use by Doctors and Veterinarians. It also manages the manufacture and supply of medicines.
The act supplies us with 3 categories of medicine : -
  1. Prescription only medicines – medicines available only from a pharmacy if prescribed by a practitioner. Can find phrase 'POM' on the box.
  2. Pharmacy medicines – medicines available only from a pharmacist, but do not need a prescription. Can find phrase 'P' on the box.
  3. General Sales List – medicines available from the shop without prescription or a pharmacist present. Can find phrase 'GSL' on the box.

The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
An Act of Parliament within the United Kingdom that provides guidance on drugs, their controls and penalties linked to their possession and supply as required.
It combines several legal points made in other key pieces of legislation including the 'United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotopic Substances'.

This Act is usually seen as a list of what is prohibited and the penalties given for possession and supply. However, it does contain more information than this. It gives us notice that the Home Secretary plays a huge part in the licensing of drugs in the UK.

The Act creates 3 lists, each containing list of controlled substances. Class A dugs the most potent and most 'dangerous' drugs with the highest penalties possible, Class B less dangerous and Class C more acceptable although still in need of controls for various reasons.

These lists are not set in stone, the Home Secretary has the ability to amend these lists, making drugs more controlled or less so without having to keep returning to the Houses of Parliament....