
Attention Deficit hyperactive Disorder is a brain disorder that affects mostly behavior and ability to focus. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder affects millions of people. It is most active in children but it can also have effects on adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. It is not hard to notice when someone has Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. According to the, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Ed. IV,                                                                              
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a Disruptive Behavior Disorder characterized by the presence of a set of chronic and impairing behavior patterns that display abnormal levels of inattention, hyperactivity, or their combination. In order To meet the diagnostic criteria according to the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental disorders) a couple of aspects have to be considered to meet a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder: Six (or more) of either 1) Inattention, or 2) Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Symptoms must have persisted for at least 6 months to a degree that is maladaptive and inconsistent with developmental level.   (qtd. In Winkler)
It is not easy diagnosing somebody with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder because it could show signs of other mental disorders as well, like bipolar disorder and depression. Not to mention, it would be challenging enough having someone with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder sit down in a doctor’s office long enough for the psychiatrists to find out what is wrong with them.
From my knowledge and experience, symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder might include difficulty paying attention to details, making careless mistakes in activities, not listening when being spoken to, having a hard time organizing, being easily distracted, not being able to focus on certain things for a certain amount of time. Some other symptoms could include:
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