

  1.0 Introduction
Enrollment system involves managing the student’s transactions and records. During the time they enroll and till the day they end up schooling at a certain state or university who has these kind of system. As soon as the student has been enrolled the school administration is responsible of keeping the records and transactions of the students. The admin would give assurance for the student’s record and transactions to be keep safe and secure in their management.
New technologies in our generation now a days are beneficial in our lives. Computer technology is very helpful and u seful in the new trend of automation. In school enrolling a student is a complicated tasks for only several faculties. These needs multiple of personnel to do and accomplish operations such as records keeping, entry, calculating and updating. So the school administration needs an automated system for ease and time lessen operations in a sufficient way.
In these automated system process of enrollment the students will have a hassle free in enrolling, adding and dropping of their subjects. The admin also will have an easy way in updating the student’s records and transactions, calculating and printing the student’s bill.



      The school of JHCSC is using a manual enrollment system this will make the transactions often difficult to process and will experience losing of files. The records of the students billing has to calculate manually which results to a certain errors and problems specially when the students ask for their billing in order to pay for the bill, not only that, during enrollment the enrollee will experience   a time consuming process because   it is being manually operated.

    Since JHCSC is using this manual system when processing the enrollment of the students. The user will suffer...