A Nightmare

My eyelids became heavier and heavier, it seemed that a ton of stones were pressed on it. So exhausted was I that I kept drowsing. “What a boring Science lesson! I can’t help sleeping.”I whispered.
    In order to drive drowsiness, I tried to write down some notes on my textbook. However, the things that in front of my eyes were blurred. Even though I had tried my best to write it down, they were just like some daubs. I was defeated by the sandman. I closed my eyes gradually......
    “Chris ,Do you have enough sleep?’’ Someone shouted at me loudly. I woke up, standing up immediately. When I saw a robot instead of my Science teacher Mr Smith stood in front of the blackboard, I was too stunned to react. I couldn’t believe my eyes, suspecting if I were dreaming. Nonetheless, I didn’t have any time to find out what’s going on, the robot came towards me.
    He glared at me and asked “How dare you sleep in my lesson? I deem that you appear to need some punishments. ”After that, he caught me and hit my bottom. I struggled in his arms, but it was useless. Worse still, my classmates, even my best friend were laughing at me. I suppressed tear came out from my eyes......
    “Clink~” The sound of the bell let me broke away from the nightmare. What a horrible dream! My body was trembling even though I had woken up. I swear I won’t sleep in any lessons till the end of my life.