301 Understanding Roles and Responsibilities Task B

Unit 301 Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training
Reflective account
My most recent role as an information advice and guidance officer gave me the opportunity to work with and help learners who have been referred to us from the jobcentre. The majority of learners referred to us were unemployed and looking to improve on their skills and gain qualifications to help them get into work. We also offered a drop in centre for the general public to also take advantage of the service we provide. Within my role I am responsible for the initial assessment and induction for each learner that attends and to identify what their needs are and what skills, experience and qualification they are looking to achieve. Once this has been identified I then offer general support to the learners throughout the programme of learning along with the Tutor.

Equality and Diversity
The equality and diversity act was introduced to prevent people from discrimination; it promotes codes of practice and guidance.   Everyone has an equal chance no matter how different they are.
The Equality Act is about the rights of learners to attend and participate, regardless of the gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation and age
Diversity – Is about valuing the differences in people whether this also relates to gender, race, age, disability or any other individual characteristics they may have such as:
  * Gender reassignment
  * Pregnancy/Maternity
  * Marriage or civil partnership
  * Race – This includes colour, ethnicity/ethnic origin or nationality
  * Religion or belief
  * Sexual orientation, the act protects lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and heterosexual   people
Everyone is diverse so we should value the differences in people
It is important to promote equality and diversity and this can be done in various ways, use gender neutral language, promote inclusive practice in the classroom: Equality is offering each person...