301 H&S Care

1.1 Identify the different reasons people communicate
To express needs
To share ideas and information
To reassure
To express feelings
To build relationships
To share experiences

1.2   Explain how communication affects relationships in an adult care setting
People communicate in order to establish and maintain relationships with others, to give and receive information and instructions, to understand and be understood, to share opinions, knowledge, feelings, and emotions, to give encouragement and show others they are valued. This helps to build friendships which leads to trust between client and carer.

2.1 Compare ways to establish the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of an individual,
Look in care plan
Ask previous carers
Speak to family  

2.2 Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication
Some factors to consider are the tone of your voice, use of language, speed in which you talk, facial and hand gestures, eye contact and body language.

2.3 describe a range of communication methods and styles to meet individual’s needs.
Verbal communication • Vocabulary, words and different languages • Tone of voice • Pitch (for example, high or low)  
Non-verbal communication • Eye contact • Signs, symbols or pictures • Writing • Using objects • Touch • Physical gestures • Body language and emotions • Lip reading

2.4 Explain why it is important to respond to an individual’s reactions when communicating
It is important to respond to reactions to show that you are listening and all individuals have your full attention but also to find out if the client has understood the question or is or isn’t happy about the conversation.

3.1 explain how individuals from different backgrounds may use communication methods in different ways
It is very important to understand how people from different backgrounds may use or interpret communication methods. Communication methods can sometimes have...