3.3 Contribute to Drawing Up Own Personal Development Plan

MU 2.8 Contribution to the support of the positive environments for children and young people
1.2 The required regulations
A positive environment for children and young people must be a safe place to work in, so a number of legal health and safety requirements are in place. Whatever the setting, policies and procedures guide the working practice of the staff and ensure the requirement are carried. All settings that have under 16 year olds on site for more than two hours a day are likely to be inspected by Ofsted and will have to meet certain requirements. These are detailed in Ofsted National Natandards. These are some examples:
  * Temperature at 15-18 degrees or 20-22 degrees for babies

MU 2.8 Contribution to the support of the positive environments for children and young people
1.2 The required regulations
A positive environment for children and young people must be a safe place to work in, so a number of legal health and safety requirements are in place. Whatever the setting, policies and procedures guide the working practice of the staff and ensure the requirement are carried. All settings that have under 16 year olds on site for more than two hours a day are likely to be inspected by Ofsted and will have to meet certain requirements. These are detailed in Ofsted National Natandards. These are some examples:
  * Temperature at 15-18 degrees or 20-22 degrees for babies

  * Fireguards in front of fires
  * Radiators and pipes covered
  * Smoke alarms and emergency equipment available.
lighting and electricity

  * All areas well lit for full visibility
  * Current breakers for all electrical equipment
  * Plugs covered

  * Window opens when nesscesery to circulate air so that there are no draughts

Themes and principles of the EYFS

Theme: A Unique Child

Principle: Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
Commitments: Child...