1.1 for Unit 1.1

Pre-pregnancy diet

When trying to get pregnant   it is extremely important to review your diet to ensure you're eating healthily. By making sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs - and avoiding all the unhealthy stuff..

Being overweight or underweight will make it more difficult to conceive, so aim to get to an appropriate weight for your height by eating a varied diet that's full of good, fresh food, exercising and avoiding over-eating and under-eating.

What to eat when you're trying to get pregnant
A healthy pre-pregnancy diet should include:
  * Plenty of fruit and vegetables - they will give you lots of lovely vitamins and fibre.
  * Fresh foods - make your meals from fresh ingredients and steer clear of processed ready meals which are often high in salt, sugar and fat.
  * Carbohydrates - low-carb diets that focus heavily on protein and very little or no carbs are not so good when you're trying for a baby. Your body needs energy, and carbohydrates are the main energy-givers of the food groups. Complex carbohydrates that give slow-release energy are best, so opt for wholegrain bread, pasta and rice if you can and approach simple carbs, based on white flour and sugar, with caution and eat them only in small amounts.

  * Dairy products are a great source of calcium, which will help with baby building. Vegans can get their calcium from soy or green veg.
  * Proteins – choose lean meat, chicken, eggs, pulses, fish (but no more than two portions of oily fish a week) and tofu. Try to limit the amount of red meat you eat - moderation is the key.
  * Folic acid supplements are recommended to help reduce the risk of neural tube defects. Other prenatal multivitamins can be helpful. Try to eat fortified cereals (but beware those with high sugar content).
  * Essential fatty acids are, well, essential, and have a big part to play in hormone production. Try to consume fats from nuts, avocados, seeds (such as flax seeds and hemp...