Your Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries as a Teacher in Terms of the Teacher/Training Cycle

C&G 7303 Award
Preparing to Teach in the
Lifelong Learning Sector
(PTLLS Level 3/4)

Assignment 1.1
PTLLS Written Assessment

1st June 2009

Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teacher/training cycle.

(500-700 words)

Teacher Training and the Plan, Do, Act and Review Cycles

The 'Teacher Training Cycle' (TTC) is a business tool not too dissimilar to a Plan, Do, Act and Review cycle as developed from Edward Deming within the 1950's. This can be illustrated below:

1. Plan

4. Review 2. Do

3. Act

I have utilised the above tool as a Quality Management system within both employment as a Quality Engineer and when I became self employed within Construction over six years ago.   The above can be implemented within today's TTC.

Assessment of Learning:   To accommodate ability and review variation of current or potential class

The role as a lecturer within the 16 years plus sector would envisage me reviewing students academic credentials via an initial review of their exam results, experience, age (although this is not to be misconstrued as an anti ageist tool), an interview and perhaps the application form or initial test/assignment in relation to the subject matter which they are applying for.   All of this would enable the lecturer to gain an advanced understanding of a potential student before a “review” is made to see if the student has an ability to complete the course.   I have put review within inverted commas for a reason. The review process is cyclic within the Deming model and   the TTC model. In other words, each process/stage has its own mini cyclic review as this is all part of a Continuous Improvement Cycle for lecturer, student and the course/institute itself.   You may have boundaries such as Special Educational Needs that may need to be addressed. Therefore additional resources and costs would need to be assessed although you would have to ensure that there would be no...