
Tips for working on Teams: http://www.mycollegesuccessstory.com/academic-success-tools/student-teamtips.html

1. Choose Team Members Wisely. In some cases, your professor will assign students to teams, but in many more cases, students will be given the option of choosing team members. You may feel some pressure to choose your roommate or sorority sister, but your choice of team members should revolve less around who you are friends with than who has the right skills and motivation to excel in the team assignment. 2. Get to Know Your Team Members. One of the best things any team can do to help individual members bond as a team is to share information about each other and seek out common experiences, cultures, attitudes, etc. A team-building, team-bonding session is important for the overall functioning of the team -- especially by the end of the project when things sometimes get a bit crazy. 3. Exchange Vital Information. Share all the key communications information -– phone numbers, email addresses, IM screen names -- as well as other important pieces of data, such as class and work schedules, and best times to meet. Create a master list with all the key information and distribute it to each team member. 4. Choose/Agree Upon a Leader. For some team projects, the professor may appoint the leader. In situations in which no team leader has been identified, take the time in an early team meeting to identify and choose a team leader (or leaders). Regardless of the size or composition of the team, every team needs a leader to make certain the things that need to get done get completed. 5. Identify Each Member's Strengths. Depending on the context of the assignment, identify each team member's strengths. For example, some people are better writers while others are brilliant at researching. Some people love to make presentations, while others would rather design the presentation. Once you have identified each other's strengths, divide the critical tasks according to...