

The three different parenting styles and how they might impact on children’s behaviour.

Task 1
  It is not only parenting styles that impact on children’s behaviour; other factors such as changes in the child’s life can also affect behaviour.

  If a parent is of an Authoritarian style, it could have a huge affect on the upbringing of the child; they could learn to start standing up for themselves against the parent or even a teacher from a very early age.

  The child’s behaviour can also change, if the home they are being brought up in is an unhappy one e.g. if both parents are constantly fighting with each other all the time.   This can cause the child to be withdrawn or start lashing out.

  If parents use a very permissive attitude towards their child /children then they may grow up always expecting everything they ask for to be given to them, not knowing how to react when told no and this can often cause problems as adults.

  If the parent tries to punish the child with ‘time out’, the benefits are quite limited and often short-lived – either the child does not respond to it or the parent gives in too quickly. Knowing the parent may give in when in ‘time out’ the child will keep acting out, and will never learn from it.

  If the parent is of an Authoritative style, the child will learn to grown up with a lot of self-esteem, will be more independent for them-selves, but also will learn their boundaries with the parent.   They will know their parent will be there to listen to them.

  Kohn, (1999) While parents and professionals sometimes find strategies such as reward charts and ‘time out’ effective in managing some behaviour with some children, the benefits are generally limited and short-lived and may do long-term damage to an individual’s self-motivation.

  The goals of misbehavior- Power.   Feeling: angry; provoked; as if one’s authority is threatened, Reaction: tendency to fight or give in.

  The goals of...

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