
Y176 Understanding children and young people

TMA 01 – TASK 1

As a child is developing and passing through his or her milestones there will be varying factors that will have major influences on the childs behaviour. The three parenting styles authoritative, permissive and authoritarian that Diana baumrind describes will certainly impact a Childs development and bring about very differing responses, however, these styles will only dictate how situations that arise are dealt with, there are many other different events and circumstances that could affect behaviour for example the birth of a sibling, death, disability or abuse.

Authoritative parenting style is described as the more balanced approach to parenting as children are encouraged to be independent thinkers, clear and concise guidelines are given set explanations for action/consequences are stated. Parents have set disciplinary strategies to keep behaviour management consistent.

Permissive parenting is where Childs behaviour is left unregulated to in order to avoid conflict and confrontation. This way of parenting may use’ bribary’ as a behaviour management tool instead of the child being guided into understanding that the behaviour they are exhibiting has consequences.

The third parenting style is authoritarian. The parents have high expectations of the child and often will not give reasons or discuss their decision. Parents demand obedience from their child and have low parental responsiveness, thus having high expectations of maturity and control.

Below I have detailed four factors that could affect Childs behaviour.

Developmental stage – starting school or attending nursery for the very first time is an upsetting, anxious and exciting period for both children and parents. Different people will express their emotions about separation in a variety of ways. Due to the inevitability of a child separation from their family at certain stages in a Childs life it is important for the child to...