World Religious Views


This is the way people interpret religion varying from society to society over time. Here are some of these religion world views:

1. Theism
      Theism, from the term theos (Greek for “god” or “deity”), is the belief in one God who is personal and worthy of worship, who transcends the world but takes an active interest in it, and who reveals his purpose for human beings through certain individuals, miraculous events, or sacred writings. A theistic God is personal if he can be understood by analogies drawn from human experience and if human beings can enter into a personal relation with him and petition him in prayer. Such a God is considered worthy of worship because he is believed to be morally perfect and infinitely powerful.

      The theistic religions of Christianity and Judaism, and to a lesser extent Islam, have greatly influenced the laws, morality, science, culture, and political institutions of the West. However, the rise of modern science and scientific Biblical criticism beginning in the 17th century has put theistic religions on the defensive. Theistic religions have been challenged to integrate a belief in miracles, divine purpose, and revelation with an increasing acceptance of a scientific worldview and with the acknowledgment of inconsistencies and errors revealed by Biblical scholarship.

2. Atheism
      Atheism is the denial of or lack of belief in the existence of a god or gods. The term atheism comes from the Greek prefix “a-”, meaning “without,” and the Greek word ‘‘Theos’’, meaning “deity.” The denial of god’s existence is also known as strong, or positive, atheism, whereas the lack of belief in god is known as negative, or weak, atheism. Although atheism is often contrasted with agnosticism—the view that we cannot know whether a deity exists or not and should therefore suspend belief—negative atheism is in fact compatible with agnosticism.

      Atheists justify their philosophical position in several...