Workplace Comparison

University of Phoenix Material

Workplace Communication Comparison

Complete the following matrix. For each communication method, list its purpose in the workplace, whether it is a technical or expository form of written communication, and why you classified it as such.

Written communication method | Purpose in the workplace | Technical or expository writing | Why the classification was chosen |
E-mail | A way to communicate quickly to coworkers and others within an organization on a large scale. | Both | I chose that classification because an email can convey a message or explain a process. |
Memo | Usually dictates policy changes, directives, due dates, and/or provide a report. | Expository | A memo conveys a message to people so it is expository. |
Letter | Letters help to inform people what is going in the workplace, formal requests, and/or general communication between coworkers. | Expository | Letters generally convey messages and nothing more. |
Manual | Teach trainees and employees how to operate programs, machines, and/or how to do other processes and/or steps. | Technical | Manuals explain processes or how machines work so they are only technical. |
Website | This allows customers to make purchases, stay up to date on the latest merchandise for that particular company, and tracking their orders. Also this lets employees stay in contact with customers. | Both | Websites can convey messages and/or explain processes so they are both. |
Other | Other forms of communication in the workplace are instant messaging, office phones, and video teleconferencing. | Both, most of the expository | The other forms of communication I have listed can do both technical and expository but most of the time it’s expository. |

Answer the following questions:

  * What is the most common form of written communication in your workplace or in a workplace with which you are familiar? Is expository writing or technical writing the most common form of...