Work Force Development

Back ground:
There is a serious mismatch between the jobs demanded by the emerging needs of the economy and the supply of skills and trained manpower in the country.
Public sector and government is losing jobs or there is at least stagnation.
Technical and vocational training has failed to keep pace with the emerging skill gaps that have further been widened by the migration of experienced technicians and professionals to the Middle East and elsewhere.
Higher total factor productivity in the economy and technological innovations are also reducing the demand for unskilled and semi – skilled labor force in almost all the sectors of the economy.
There is little incentive for the employer to hire people on permanent basis and invest in their training, skill up gradation and productivity enhancement. They have therefore developed a short sighted view of extracting as much value as possible by engaging part time or contractual employees.
Workforce Development
There is still a mismatch between available skills and what is needed in the workforce. Many more consultations between the business sector and the education sector are needed in order for businesses to make an input into curriculum and delivery.
Graduates entering the workplace did not have much knowledge of what was required of them. Much more vocational and soft skill guidance are needed for students at all levels of the education system so that they could appreciate the role of business in the economy. CDCs can play a vital role in this regard.
At the local level, entrepreneurship should be encouraged, and access to lending facilities to small and medium-size enterprises increased. IWLP would be a great solution for the same.
Informal activities were likely to increase. Very high levels of informal employments are likely to increase, especially given the number of formal job losses due to less education and skills.
Older workers are facing problems to sustain jobs due to health and upgraded skills....