Work Environment

Work Environment
University of Phoenix
COMM/470: Communication in Virtual Workplace
Group: BSM2.02-06.BSAB050F22-COMM470
Steven Ryan
February 11, 2007

Work Environment
“The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.” (Remen, 2005)   As communication is the process in which individuals exchange information, it can be very complicated at times. Due to the complexity of the issue at hand and how it relates to our workplace environment, communication can be transmitted in various methods, and can also be perceived in different ways. Within this paper, I will discuss the various channels of communication within my workplace, as well as, the speeds, types and amounts.
      Within the business world today, organizations rely on the importance of communication to guide them to success. The dependency in which is related to the daily functions within organizations globally rely on communication, the technical infrastructure, speed, and accuracy that is processed through the variety of channels. As the complexity continues, communications remain the key resource for organizations today to stay connected and conduct daily business transactions. The way an organization keeps productivity at peak performance is always a challenge; however, with the appropriate communication tools an organization can extremely benefit.
      At my place of business, we communicate through various channels of communication. Communication takes place all day, everyday. The amounts vary depending on the details needed from other sources, both external and internal. Examples being: e-mail, telephone, PDA’s, teleconferencing, webex seminars, SharePoint, face to face, fax, and intra-office.   As all of these act as different forms in which we communicate, logistics play an important part in how we choose to relay the message. The way the message is carried depends on the mode in which it’s transmitted....