Wilfred Owen

How does Wilfred Owen convey his central concerns about war in his poetry?
Owen Wilson conveys his central concerns about war using the art of poetry. his poetry is a excellent example of how war poetry should be executed. Owen inserts important themes such as the horrors of war, the repetitive marches of war, and the horrors of the loss of soldiers and the insignificance of it. Two of his more powerful poems "Dulce Et Decorum Est" and "Anthem for Doomed Youth" present the above themes using powerful imagery, similes and metaphors, personifications and alliterations to present towards the audience the central concerns about war.

Starting with “Anthem of Doomed Youth", Soldiers are depicted within a simile. Soldiers merely " die as cattle", a huge insult towards the soldiers emphasizing the fact that their deaths are as important as a   average cow. an animal being slaughtered in a slaughterhouse therefore the soldiers become dehumanized. Owen is concerned with the treatment of human lives, the fact that soldiers are dying needlessly and he expresses his rage at the loss of life in his war poetry.

Soldiers receive a unacceptable burial in death as quoted " No mockeries for them, nor prayers nor bells". the repetition of the no's reinforced Owens’s central concern of how these soldiers don't receive anything, no religious ceremonies, no mourning, no grave worth respect and overall just nothing, not a bit of sympathy for these poor soldiers. Owen conveys his central concerns which are the lack of sympathy given to soldiers.

The alliteration of a " Slow dusk a drawing down blinds" catches of the audiences attention of the use of that technique which reinforces the loss of the people's family members who died at war, they eternally wait for their loved ones to return home from war which they never ever do. the slow drawing down of the blinds symbolizes the extreme long length of time the relatives of soldiers must endure. Owen is portraying a concern for even...