Wilfred Owen

"Wilfred Owen’s poetry is shaped by an intense focus on extraordinary human experiences."

Wilfred Owens poetry has an ‘intense’ focus on extraordinary human experiences and writes poems about the suffering and pity of men who go out to war. Wilfred Owen was a war poet who was enlisted in the war in 1915 and experienced the violent horrors of war and the ‘truth’ about war. Owen portrayed the harsh reality of war, the suffering and brutality of war. Owen wanted to inform, awaken and enlighten the reader about what war really was like. In his poetry he used techniques to enlighten the reader by similes, metaphors, imagery, irony and personification. This can be seen by the poems “Dulce Et Decorum Est” and “Anthem for Doomed Youth”.
The poem “Dulce Et Decorum Est” (Dulce) is about a death by a gas attack and the suffering as a result. It portrays the horrific sights, sounds and feelings of a group of exhausted men at war who are caught in a gas attack and the suffering and pity of one man who experiences a horrific death of not being quick enough to pull up his gas mask.
The first line and simile “Bent double, like old beggars under sacks” is straight to the point, it describes how tired and worn these men really are. The fact that the soldiers suffered is continued in the poem, with Owen covering all the senses, for example, ‘all went lame; all went blind’, ‘drunk with fatigue’ and ‘deaf even to the hoots’. These images continually convey to the reader the suffering of the soldiers, and . The calm tone of the 1st stanza of the poem quickly changes to that of panic in the line, ‘Gas! Gas! Quick boys!’ The repetition of the word ‘Gas!” emphasises the urgency of the situation and the use verbs ending with ‘ing’ such as ‘fumbling’ and ‘stumbling’ demonstrate heightened emotions and quick movement. Owen’s pity of the waste of lives can be seen through the repetition of ‘boys’ instead of ‘men’, emphasising how young the soldiers are. Hyperbole is used, for example,...