Why Are New Managers Required

Why are New Managers Required?
by V S Rama Rao on November 7, 2011 The very nature of work – what people do as members of organizations is rapidly changing. This phenomenon is called ‘new work’ by some in the field of management. New work involves less repetition and more problem solving. Value is added by customizing and continuously improving a product or service to meet customer needs. New work is enhanced, not damaged by technology. And it cannot be instantly duplicated overseas because it depends on the one resource within the nation that remains durably here with us in our minds. A recent analysis published in Fortune magazine painted this picture of the workplace in the year 2000:
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The average company will become smaller, employing fewer people. The traditional hierarchical organization will give way to a variety of organizational forms, the network of specialists foremost among these. Technicians, ranging from computer repairmen to radiation therapists, will replace manufacturing operatives as the worker elite. The vertical division of labor will be replaced by a horizontal division. The paradigm of doing business will shift from making a product to providing a service. Work itself will be redefined; constant learning, more high order thinking, less nine-tofive mentality.

These changes demonstrate yet another way in which the world of relationships and their evolution over time is taking on new meaning and holding new opportunities for the managers of the twenty first century and their organizations. An illustration of a modern office: It is 5.00pm and N decides it’s time for a bit of MBWA that is management by walking around. D has gone home, so N bypasses her desk and heads for the open door to A-M’s office. She finds A-M swearing at her computer; she is just lost some files that she spent the afternoon developing. Put a call in to the Help Desk N suggests. A-M seems relieved to hear a friendly voice. They chat while they wait for a...