Who's to Blame for the American Revolution?

The colonies of England lived a relatively peaceful life throughout the 1600's and the mid 1700's.
England was a kind mother country and let the colonists run free, letting themselves figure out the best
ways of economy, and trade. The relationship was not long lived. A tension began between the mother
country and it's colonies, which led to the American Revolution. Contrary to the belief that the colonists
caused the American Revolution, England's missteps of the French and Indian War, Mercantilism, and
the heavy taxation on the colonists led to the separation of the colonies from England.
The colonists' reaction to Britain, some claim, is the sole reason of the American Revolution.
After being able to run around free, doing whatever the colonists wanted to do, there was no
expectation of heavy taxes and new laws. Once these new laws and taxes were being pressed onto
them, there was an uproar in the colonies. The colonists started to revolt by organizing boycotts and
riots.   Their first victory occurred when the colonists forced Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act.   The
colonists were overjoyed with the repeal, residents of New York even erected a statue of King George III.
Unfortunately, Parliament did not stop approving taxes. More taxes and laws were thrown upon the
colonists, such as the Quartering and Stamp Act, that were to be immediately enforced and the colonists
did not like it. The colonists kept on disregarding the laws, which lead to events such as the Boston
Massacre, and the Boston Tea Party.   The war with Parliament went on with the colonies, and the
Committees of Correspondence was created. Samuel Adams creation of the Committees of
Correspondence grew to all colonies and the purpose was to keep the opposition to England alive.
Eventually, the Committee of Correspondence was not enough and the Continental Congress was born.
Consisting of fifty-five distinguished men with representatives of every colony except...