What Evidence Is There in the Extract of the Three Explanations for Chartism’s Support That You Learned About in Block 2, Unit 2, Making Sense of History, and Which, If Any, Is Stressed Most Strongly by the Speaker?

Essay Question-History Option.

What evidence is there in the extract of the three explanations for Chartism’s support that you learned about in Block 2, Unit 2, Making sense of history, and which, if any, is stressed most strongly by the speaker?

Essay Plan
1. Explain that the extract is a primary source of information: an article in the Northern Star, a Chartist supporting newspaper, published in 1839.
2. Briefly address questions about primary source material.
3. Show evidence from speech of the three explanations for Chartism’s support; economic circumstance, a national political movement, and an inclusive cultural community.
4. It will argue that democratic reform is stressed most strongly.

Economic Circumstance
1. State that 1839 was a time of economic hardship.
2. Mention W.W. Rostow’s study that shows times of economic hardship led to social unrest and a swell in support of Chartism.  
3. Show evidence from extract of speaker addressing the economic hardship of audience
4. Show relevance to the speech of the economy in York at the time.
5. Mention Asa Briggs as an advocate of this argument and use quote from secondary source to support this.

National Political Movement
1. Show evidence of speaker proclaiming need for political reform.
2. Highlight links to popular radicalism in speech and show that the most important aim of this was democratic reform.
3. Mention Stedman Jones as an advocate of this argument.
4. Find brief quote to support this.

Inclusive Cultural Community
1. Show evidence of speaker addressing the separation of the classes by the ruling class.
2. Mention importance of working class to inclusiveness of Chartism.
3. Mention Eileen Yeo as an advocate of this argument.
4. Find brief quote from secondary source to support this.

1. Conclude that the need for a national political movement is stressed most strongly.
2. Reflect that democratic reform was the catalyst for economic...