What Can You Learn from This Extract About the Interpretation Approaches and Methods of This Historian?

Over time, the argument of the origins of imperialism will vary between historians. Here I will explain what this historian’s interpretation is and why other historians may not have the same view point.
His interpretation from the information available strongly suggests that there is a strong economic importance in why imperialism occurred. At the early stage of capitalism, the market structure was free competition in which there were small firms with many buyers and sellers but overtime, we see the ‘latter being transformed into monopoly’ with fewer and fewer firms dominating the market. Industries start becoming more and more large scale and profits go into smaller and smaller hands. This meant that firms had to go overseas to seek cheaper raw materials, land or more markets in order to stay ahead in competition. This is also known as the ‘monopoly stage of capitalism’ because it is not until monopolists are formed that firms begin to go overseas. One of Lenin’s beliefs in the basic features of imperialism is ‘the formation of international monopolists…which share the world amongst itself.’ With such smaller people dominated the people, they will feel the need to exploit workers more in order to make more profit. His interpretation also seems to explain the reasons for WWI. Another feature of his interpretation of imperialism is ‘…division of the world among international trusts has begun.’ As monopolists seek investments abroad, so will other countries that are industrialising. They will start to compete for land, and tensions between countries will between to grow leading to the First World War.   Therefore to sum up Lenin’s interpretation of imperialism, it is mainly due to the development of monopolies and the economic benefits to them capitalists. The growth of international monopolists will also lead to further world conflict.
What needs to be considered is Lenin’s approach to history and the methods he uses to go about it the context in his writing it,...