What Are Microorganisms

What Are Microorganisms?
Microorganisms (Latin micro = small) are living beings so small (< 40 µm or 0.04 mm) that they are not visible by the naked eye. Microorganisms related to human health include certain bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
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Synonyms: microbes, germs, bugs.
Types of Microorganisms
Microorganisms can be, according to their characteristics, divided into several groups:
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• bacteria, viruses, certain fungi and parasites
• pathogenic (capable of causing disease), non-pathogenic, and opportunistic (causing disease when they have an opportunity, like in people with low immune system)
• acellular (without cell, like viruses), unicellular (bacteria, yeasts and certain parasites), or multi-cellular (molds)
1. Bacteria
Bacteria are unicellular organisms, about few microns in size (1 micron (µm) = 1/1,000 of a millimetre), consisting of DNA, cytoplasm, structures needed for metabolism and reproduction, cell membrane, cell wall and capsule (Picture 1). Certain bacteria use flagella, tail-like appendages, to propel themselves.

Picture 1. Bacterial structure
(source: Wikimedia)  
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Bacteria multiply asexually by dividing into two daughter cells (Picture 2).

Picture 2. Bacteria multiply asexually, by...