

Bottlenecks in a Process




Bottlenecks in a Process

As displayed in the flowchart (Figure 1.1), the process of driving to work is not always straightforward; it is multifarious in some capacity. Besides for the mentioned processes contained within the flowchart, the daily excursion, which at times may last up to 29 minutes (Figure 1.2), may potentially include unforeseen events such as car wrecks, sudden stops, school buses, etc. – all which have the potential to complicate the process. Nonetheless, based on the flowchart, it is apparent that the main bottleneck is the point in which the driver needs to make a determination if there is enough gas to get to work.
In general, a bottleneck takes place when the capacity for production in one process is larger than the capacity for production capacity in the subsequent process. According to the flowchart, the driver enters the vehicle, opens the garage door, puts on the seatbelt, turns on the vehicle, and drives safely out of the garage. Assuming the garage door and vehicle function properly, the processes will flow normally without having deficiencies in capacity; however, the potential for a bottleneck does occur thereafter.
Once the driver pulls out of the garage, there is a hindrance pertaining to the driver's capacity to drive directly to work. If the driver has an adequate supply of gas, then the automobile has the capacity to let the driver proceed to the final destination. Nonetheless, if there is not an adequate supply of gas, the driver must drive to the closest gas station in order to obtain enough gas for the automobile to be able to drive to work. Once the gas predicament is solved, the remaining flow is practically free of potential bottlenecks.
There are ways in which this bottleneck can be properly eliminated. One possible method would involve shifting the process to a more expedient time in which...