
The voice is a view or a perspective that is shaped by an individual’s value, experience and understanding of a certain issue. ‘The Stolen Children – Their Stories’ by Carmel Bird captures the distinctive Australian voices regarding the overwhelming injustice of the forced removal policy. These voices expresses egalitarianism capturing Australians’ value such as compassion, justice and fairness. Through Millicent’s voice, it conveys the need to make amends and future reconciliation with the people who suffered and are continuing to suffer because of past government police and law. Moreover, Bird’s voice has also comment on the shame as an Australian that saw or heard the Prime Minister refuse to apologise on behalf of Australian to Indigenous people.
An official apology to the members of stolen generation by the Australian Government is an important step towards building a respectful new relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
In this book included a collection of documents and personal stories of Indigenous people from the stolen generation has positioning us to feel a sense of shock, anger, sorrow and sympathy.
From the Millicent’s story we can feel her lack of choice by use of emotive language in “I was forbidden to see any of my family or know of their whereabouts.” And so to demonstrate how painful is being forcibly removed from family. This victim were discouraged from family contact, were taught to reject Aborigines and Aboriginality in institution. She used repetition of “The worst was yet to come” throughout her story highlights the ongoing pains she experienced in her childhood as well as link to the future event when her daughter were taken away.  
Confidential evidence number 210 “you spend your whole life wondering where you fit. You’re not white enough to be white and your skin isn’t black enough to be black either...” We can see the problem arise by the skins colour between Indigenous and half caste race. This victim...