Uop Value Chain Management Final


1. Value chain management goes beyond supply chain management, because it adds value to every stakeholder involved. This is achieved by evaluating all processes of the supply chain to ensure effectiveness and efficiency. Global value chain management creates a universal flow of information that can be shared internally and also with suppliers and customers. The results of value chain management is to lower inventory levels, increased customer service and satisfaction, and to make processing times quicker. There are six components to global value chain management. They include:

    • Sourcing and procurement – This means locating, evaluating, and obtaining suppliers for inventory or raw materials.

    • International logistics – This supporting all international logistic functions between the home and host country.

    • Factory Operations – The manufacturing process that the company supports in a foreign country.

    • Owners of raw materials – This is the relationship and communication between the company and its suppliers.

    • Owners of transportation – This is the relationship and communication between the company and its distribution centers and transportation sources.

    • Information technology – This is how well the company uses technology, such as the Internet and GPS units, to add value to the company and customers.

2. As a global manager, I would be able to use the Internet to help manage the distribution function of my value chain. This would be possible if the supplying company used an electronics system to handle its distribution and shared this information with me using Electronic Data Interchange. I would be able to go to the supplier’s website and look up the status of my order. It would tell me what part of the process my order was in. Once the order was process, it would then be changed to shipped. I would be given a tracking number at this point and I would be able to enter that number into...