Uop Crt 205 Week 6 Dq 1 and Dq 2

UOP CRT 205 Week 6 DQ 1 And DQ 2

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DQ 1 - View the Vacuum Sales digital story located on aXcess for Week Six. Of the two
arguments provided in this example, which is valid and which is sound? When you
are building an argument for an issue that is significant to you, do you think it is
more important to be valid or sound? Explain your answer.
Resource Required
Vacuum Salesdigital story
Grading Guide
A deductive argument can be valid even when one of its premises is false. A sound
deductive argument contains true premises and a true conclusion.
The two arguments provided in the digital story are as follows:
Voice of Man Speaking for Salesman
“Anyone who wants a comfortable, clean home needs this amazing vacuum cleaner.
You certainly look like someone who likes having a really clean home. So, you

definitely need this vacuum cleaner!” (A valid deductive argument)
Voice of Man Speaking for Wife:
“Honey, our carpets are clean and we already have a working vacuum cleaner, so we
don’t need a new one!” (A sound deductive argument)

DQ 2 - Imagine your child is trying to prove that she did not steal chocolate chip
cookies from the cookie jar, so she makes this argument: “There are no chocolate
stains on my hands, so I couldn’t have stolen the cookies.”
Postyour response to the following: Does this example require deductive or
inductive logic? What are the premises? Are the premises stated or unstated? What is
the argument’s conclusion? In your opinion, is this a convincing argument? Why or
why not?
Grading Guide
Through discussion students should determine the following: The example requires
inductive logic. The premises are that there are no chocolate stains on the child’s
hands, and that chocolate on one’s hands is an indication of having handled
chocolate chip cookies. The...