Unit 504: Applying Theories and Principles of Planning and Enabling Inclusive Learning and Teaching

Understand the application of theories and principles of learning and communication to inclusive learning and teaching

1.   Over the years extensive research has been conducted by many by Psychologists and Scientists who sought to identify the ways in which we learn. As a result several theories have become documented each with different perspectives the main ones being behaviourism, neo-behaviourism, constructivism and humanism but there are some who have a different view on these theories. Minton (2002) identified that “the history of education is littered with failed theories even those that were the result of years and years of research” (pg213). What is common among all the theories presented is that learning takes place in stages, in different pace and time and in different ways. The aim of this paper is to analyse some of the factors which can affect learning and achievement and how these theories can be applied to inclusive learning.
1.1 Analyse the factors that can affect learning and achievement.
There are many factors that affect the learning and achievements of students. These factors may be considered a barrier to some individuals but the same factors can also be a source of inspiration and motivation. Motivation and inspiration may come from anyone within the environment in which they hence factors affecting learning and achievement can either be personal or external. Parents influence children’s careers choices both intentionally and unintentionally. Similarly students may be just as inspired by role models and peers outside of the home. External factors affecting learning and achievement can be look at from many different angles. If students live in an area where there is a high rate of crime or are issues of gangs and anti social behaviour then this can cause emotional and psychological disturbance and unsettlement which can affect students’ ability to focus on learning and achievement. External factors can also be extended to include poverty...