Unit 419 - Equality and Diversity

Unit 419   - Equality and Diversity
The Equality and Human Rights Commission state
“Equality is to create a modern Britain where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, and we all have an equal chance to succeed”
(2012) http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/about-us/vision-and-mission/
Research has shown me that there are many different definitions to the term diversity. To me, when using the word with equality, it simply means the recognition of differences within individuals, groups and society as a whole.
The Government suggest that core objectives need to be embedded with equality and every effort should be made to eliminate discrimination, promote equal opportunity and foster good working relationships between different people.
30/06/2013, 19:03, https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/home-office/about/equality-and-diversity
A great deal of the research in higher education has traditionally examined the ways in which individual students grow and change while in college and further education, for example the works of Pascarella and Terenzini, 1991.
In recent years and due to changes within the legal emphasis on promoting equality, inclusion and diversity more of this research has focused on the ways in which racial, cultural and social dynamics in colleges influence student outcomes and have a positive impact on the individual benefits that a learner will gain.
My understanding is that Individual benefits refers to the ways in which the educational experiences and outcomes of individual students are enhanced by the presence of diversity within the college environment. Research evidence regarding the individual benefits of diversity, undertaken by Harvard University suggests that diversity enhances student growth and development in the cognitive, affective, and interpersonal domains.
If Equality and Diversity are embedded at the registration stage and continue to be a key element within the learning environment then I feel that as at tutor I...