Unit 3

Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learner Sector – Unit 3 Enabling Learning & Assessment

Assessment is the process of documenting, usually in measurable terms, knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs. Assessment can focus on the individual learner or groups of learners and includes the collection of evidence about learners` performance in order to give them marks and grades or use it as feedback either for teachers to determine how successful the teaching has been or learners to identify performance and development towards known objectives or goals.   Assessments are an essential component of teaching some would say the most important. Race (2001:31) states “Whether we think of ourselves as lecturers, teachers or facilitators of learning the most important thing we do for our students is to assess their work”.   Assessments can happen at any stage of a specific course at various locations dependant on the desired outcome Atherton J S (2010) suggests “assessment is not a discrete process, but integral to every stage of teaching, from minute to minute as much as module to module, informal assessment (or evaluation) is going on all the time. Every time a student answers a question, or asks one, or starts looking out of the window, or cracks a joke, he is providing you with feedback about whether learning is taking place”.   The main aims of assessment are:

    • Confirm learning has taken place.
    • Diagnose learners’ needs.
    • Provide acknowledgement and certification of learning.
    • Enable selection processes.
    • Evaluate learning programs.
    • Motivate and encourage learners.

Assessment is a broad term that includes testing. A test is a special form of assessment which is made under contrived circumstances.   The are numerous methods of assessment including the following:

    • Essay writing.
    • Simulation exercises.
    • Information gathering exercises.
    • Multiple choice tests.
    • Short answer tests.
    • Demonstration...