Unit 2 Planning & Enabling Learning

Unit 2 Planning & Enabling Learning

The aim of this assignment is to show my research, findings and reflections on different aspects of planning and enabling learning. It will also look at how I can relate each of these to my working practice and area of development I have identified.   In order to build upon my current knowledge I decided to focus my research on websites, publications and books

Research and Reflection
When looking at ways of negotiating with learners I focussed my research on the impact of the Initial Assessment on the learner’s journey.   Within my practice I had always thought of this as the assessment of the learner’s functional skills.   However, the Initial Assessment is much more; it helps form the learner’s ideas and goals and areas of additional support.   From my research I have come to the conclusion that I need to put more emphasis on the sign up session and encourage the learner to reflect on their current practice and their aspirations for the future.   This will enable both me and the learner to design the award around their needs encouraging the learner to take ownership of their learning.

From my research of inclusive learning I decided to look at the importance of the Learning Styles Questionnaire and the methods included in my delivery. This approach led me to question my own practice and my teaching methods to meet the learner’s preferences rather than focussing on meeting their target date.   By using the Learning Styles Questionnaire as an assessment tool I will be able to identify suitable resources and activities to meet the learner’s needs. I also found that by ensuring the use of different delivery methods, the learner maintains concentration and motivation to learn.

I chose to focus the integration of functional skills on how I can embed ICT skills with the learners who may have fears of technology.   My main research was carried out using the internet, focussing mainly on Functional Skills Support...