Unit 1 Level 5 Health &Social Care

Unit 1

1.1 Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own job role.

In my role as team leader it is important that I am able to communicate to a wide range of individuals and groups of people to share information whether it be relatively trivial information or important information. This process will involve active listening as well as speaking. Non verbal communication such as body language is also vitally important. Whatever form of communication I use will depend on the situation at the time and who it is I am communicating with.
If I was dealing with another manager or care co-ordinator   I would tend to use a variety of communications which would usually tend to be email, spoken word either face to face or by telephone or text. On the other hand if I was communicating with one of my support workers then it would tend to be more straightforward with clear instructions given, usually in a similar way spoken word, email or text.  
When communicating with service users it will be a case of assessing at the time the situation and behaviour of the individual and respond appropriately. The ways in which myself and my staff may have to respond may be in a sensitive manner, assertively, very slow in speech so they can understand or just be there to sit and listen to them.
I am always looking to develop staffs knowledge and understanding of how to change and develop their use of language and other communication techniques in order to break down any barriers they may encounter particularly when dealing with young individuals who may be frustrated, excitable or in crisis.
I have recently been on Mental Capacity training which gave me the opportunity to look at s ways of understanding and taking in to consideration the individual’s ability to communicate, from this training I was able to reflect and alter any communication I have with those who may find it difficult to communicate effectively with others and put...