Unit 1.1

1.1 Explain what is meant by healthy eating.

Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to sustain your health. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, minerals and fibre. We also need plenty of water to maintain the body’s vital function. Nutrients are the important components of food which provide the individual with the necessary needs for bodily functions. Good nutrition is extremely important for children under the age of five.   It is very important that we encourage them to eat a wide variety of foods; this in turn will help them develop good dietary habits to prepare them into later childhood and adulthood.

1.2 Evaluate national and local initiatives which promote healthy eating.
Localinitiatives help encourage families and early years settings to provide healthy foods for young children. This is one way in which to will help influence the eating habits of the next generation and help reduce diet related diseases and food borne illnesses. There are also reasons to tackle obesity in the community and from birth onwards.As weight control from early life onwards can prevent high blood pressure in later life, this leads to improved life expectancy and quality of life.
There are many ranges of different initiatives; such as
• 5 a day campaign
• school fruit and vegetables scheme
• start4life
• change4life
• food labelling
The Government asa department is a key contributor to working with other organisations to encourage all schools in providing healthier meals and options. This involves everyone in the school and embeds food skills and knowledge. Governing bodies have an important role to play in supporting these initiatives. The Government has introduced a ‘five a day’ programme to increase fruit and vegetable consumption by raising awareness of the health benefits and by improving access to provision.
As part of the 5 a day scheme, children aged 4-6 (attending a fully state...