Unit 030

1.1 As a support worker part of my role is to be aware of issues that have a positive or negative influence on children’s lives. We should ensure that this is an understanding by every practitioner and it is at the centre of our work.

Poverty – A family living on a low income might not be able to provide for their children as hoped. Accommodation may be poor which can have an effect on the mental and physical health of children and their parents.

Offending or anti-social behaviour – Such as behaviour by parents of a child may result in a child being taken into care.

Disability – The disability of a parent or child could affect educational provision, cause poverty or mean that the child is a carer. Support or respite care may be needed for the child or young person.

Bereavement and loss – Losing a family member or friend can affect the emotional and physical health of children and their parents. Adults losing a child or partner may find caring for any remaining children difficult.

Ethnic beliefs and customs – This could affect the dietary needs of children, clothing, customs or other aspects of their lives.

1.2 Factors that can impact on the lives of children and young people can be social, economic, environmental, and cultural.

Social factors
• Lack of social/friendship networks.
Children need friendships to develop their interaction, emotional understanding, empathy and social skills. Children who lack these networks tend to feel isolated and therefore isolate themselves more. They may suffer insecurities about themselves and be withdrawn and shy. They may struggle to communicate, share and understand the needs and feelings of others.
• Poor parental supervision/neglect.
Without guidance children do not learn the correct ways to behave. This will cause them to come into conflict at school because they do not know or understand acceptable boundaries. They may be unaware of the dangers they can face in life. They may have a distorted...