Unit 024 Promote Child and Young Person Development

Unit 024 Promote child and young person development

1.1 Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development

i)Confidentiality - Before carrying out observations on children it is normal to gain permission from parents or those responsible for the child. Most parents are happy for there children to be observed, however they wouldn’t want other parents or people not involved with the child reading the reports. In my setting we store our observations carefully and make sure that when we are discussing a child, we do so only with colleagues and other professionals who have a right to know.

ii)Children’s wishes and feelings -Children have rights and there are times where it is not appropriate to observe/assess children; for example if a child was unhappy or uninterested we would ask the child what they would like to do. When writing observation about children it is important to be respectful.

iii)Ethnic, linguistic and cultural background – It is important that we can assess children’s development reliably. Sometimes the behaviours, skills and interests that children show are dependent on their ethnic, cultural or linguistic background. For example, a child who does not take part in the story of the three little pigs may not feel comfortable because the child associates pigs with being unclean; but an observer may interpret this as the child not being interested in drama. Bearing in mind children’s linguistic background is particularly important as the child may not show a certain skill because the words used to describe what they need to do are unfamiliar.

iv)Disability or specific requirements – Some children and young people may have disabilities or particular needs which have to be taken into consideration when observations/assessments are carried k out. In schools it is usually expected, for example, that children with dyslexia need additional time in order to sit tests, while in nursery, a child may need an adult to...