
  * Introduction:
Under normal social scenarios, people consider ethics a life value. Ethics encompasses individual, faction or societal politics at the expense of meeting organizational values. These values must represent fairness and social harmony to all members. In the past, there were no groups and people worked as individuals. Unlike individualism, ethics provides a platform of collective organizational responsibility, necessary for social development, on communal and business levels.
During   the rapid expansion of the industrial society in the early 18th century, workers realized their employers were depriving them of their basic rights. Workers joined together in a single collective voice in order to push for better working conditions. Unions started with an assembly of people in trade or labor groups with the same common goals. Instead of collective responsibility, workers elected members to bargain on their behalf. Union leaders negotiated wage increases and work rules. They also enacted hiring and complaint policies, defended unnecessary contact termination and ensured safety at workplaces. For these reasons, unions became an important parallel to sound, moral business ethics and management success.
  * Ethical Issue:
During the industrial revolution workers had few skills and could not perform certain tasks, which required professionalism. Employers used this opportunity to exploit workers by mistreating and underpaying them, thus maximizing their profits. Though disorganized until the end of 19th century, the unions fought for working fewer hours and wage increases. Unions became fundamental in organizing and protecting employee

rights. Through the unions, workers could voice   their demands in order to maintain job dignity and security. To promote business ethics, unions are very important. Successful businesses take employee interests at heart. If unions exercise their freedoms without employer restraints, that business is bound to...