»¿Understand the Main Legislation, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures for Safeguarding Children and Young People.

Outline current legislation, guidelines policies and procedure within own UK Home Nation affecting the safeguarding of children and young people.

Policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people are -

The UNCRC - The United Nations Convention on the rights of the child.

The Children's Act 1988 legislates for England and Wales

The Children's Act 2004 puts in place ..

-- A children's commissioner for England

-- A director for children's services within each local authority

-- A duty on local authorities and their partners, including the police, health service providers, youth justice teams to cooperate in promoting the well-being of children and young people and have arrangements that safeguard and promote their welfare.

-- Local Safe Guarding Boards

-- Revised legislation for physical punishment, it is now an offence to hit a child if it causes mental harm or leaves a lasting mark.

-- CAF common assessment framework - helping to identify individual needs.

-- revised arrangements for sharing information â (Data Protection Act 1998 the Eight Principles)

The outcomes for ECM - Every Child Matters, a green paper that emerged from the report of Lord Laming, made in response to Victoria Climbie's terribly tragic death.

What To Do If You Are Worried A Child Is Being Abused 2003 is national guidance that brings together the content from Working Together To Safeguard Children and the Framework For The Assessment Of Children In Need and Their Families 2000.

The Protection of Children Act 1999 is the law that ensures settings do not offer employment that involves regular contact with children paid or unpaid where listed as unsuitable to work with children â The CRB disclosure form. The Criminal Records Bureau is the central point for accessing the records kept on two lists - the Department of Education list and the Department of Heath list. The ISA - Independent Safeguarding Authority is...