Understand Principles of Professional Development

1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice

To make improvements in our organization we must work together as a team to ensure that we continually improve the service we are providing and to keep it to a high standard and one that meets the service user’s needs so we can all work effectively. To improve an outcome for our service users we need to create a working environment in which staff are provided with the opportunities to learn from the services we provide, this will enable them to keep up to date and gain experience and confidence in their job role. Continually improving knowledge will make the working environment a professional and confident place to work for all concerned.
Keeping up to date with care standards, legislation, CQC requirements and guide lines for good practices is very important, and also understanding the influence and cultural backgrounds we are working in. There are regular changes with many policies these are updated regularly and a copy is given to all staff to read. Having regular training and learning new skills and good knowledge will help me in my career and also benefit the Company I work for .As a Manager I feel it is very important for me to keep up to date and ensure I am aware of any changes as I am responsible for several staff and by having the knowledge and confidence to pass on to them will make me feel that I am doing a good job and then they will all benefit from this and hopefully feel valued.