Understand Child and Young Person Development Chart 022.

022.1.2 Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the difference is important
Sequence means the order that development happens, while rate relates to the pace or speed at which the development takes place.
For example in order for a child to be able to speak they need to have eaten food with lumps in it for many months before hand (generally 6 months)   this will allow them to develop relevant muscles and vocal cords as well as refine and learn more oral motor control, through eating food.   So the sequence is that children need to develop muscles and motor control physically before they have the physical ability to be able to begin to learn to speak.
The rate relates to the expected time frame the average child takes to develop certain skills. For example by 7 months most children are sitting up. This is how long it usually takes children to develop the strength, skill and ability to be able to sit up to be able to sit up.
All children are individuals and will develop their own rate. The rate of development is a guideline. It is the average; generally children can do this at this age. This is what generally happens.
However the sequence stays the same. This is because the sequence relies on a domino effect certain elements have to be in place before an end result.   The rate is different and can vary greatly as it is influenced by other factors such as social background, diet, disability, opportunity, learning difficulties, genetic pre dispositions or individual growth patterns.
There are different areas of development but they are also linked and have an impact on one another. This difference is important because when you are planning an activity with a group of children even if they are all the same age some with be above average or below their average age of development. They may also not be at the same developmental sequence. It is important to consider this variation and individuality so that you make sure...