Type of Survey

Telephone Surveys vs. Web Surveys: A Comparison
After you have determined your survey design (see related article) – including establishing informational goals of the survey, how you will use or apply the information to your organization, and defining the sample population – you need to choose your interviewing methodology.
Two of the most popular and effective survey interviewing methodologies are telephone surveying and web surveying. However, both types have distinct advantages and disadvantages, so you must carefully assess your specific needs before deciding which method you will implement.
Telephone Surveys
Surveying by telephone is recommended when your desired sample consists of the general population (i.e., not Internet users only). The scope of reach possible with telephone surveys is vast, with 96% of homes in the United States having a telephone.
Advantages of this method include: rapid contact with respondents, especially when integrated with the use of a CATI (computer-assisted telephone interviewing) system (see related article); interviewers can elicit more complete and substantive answers from respondents as well as ask for clarification and elaboration concerning responses; and survey software is available to integrate previous survey data with current data.
Disadvantages of this method include: phone surveying is more expensive than web surveying; sales calls often masquerade as "research" calls, which results in higher call screening and lower respondent contact rates; the typical calling window of 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. often interrupts the respondents' limited personal time; and no visual support can be implemented.
The Bottom Line
Survey efforts that would benefit most from a telephone survey are those requiring a sample of the general population, with the ability to ask for clarification and expansion on respondent answers.
Web Surveys
Surveying via the Web is rapidly gaining popularity for data collection efforts...