Twelve Angry Men

What does Twelve Angry Men suggest about group behavior?
Twelve Angry Men, by Reginald Rose, explores diversity of personalities, which demonstrates each individual behaviors and mentality in a group environment and present the audience in a collective, complex point of view. During the hottest day in summer in a confined jury room along with the accentuated uncomfortable feelings of the jurors; they struggles to separate the “fact from the fancy”. Rose demonstrates the obstruction of group as well as the essential components of a successful team. Even through the behaviors of the jurors are obstructed by their personalities illustrates through the 3rd and 7th jurors’ forceful and aggressive interactions. Throughout the play, the jury team led by the 8th juror with responsibility and dignity, in addition to the contributions of every juror, justice is ultimately achieved.

Behaviors in a group of a juror is definitely influence by their personal opinion which leads to conflicts in their interactions due to the distinctive personalities. The 3rd juror being the “competitive” one treats the deliberation as a competition between guilt and innocent. He is quick to insult and attack anyone who suggests otherwise. As a noble man, he disgusts the 10th juror’s “dishonest” action for irresponsibly ending the deliberation and aggressively questions, “which side are you on” to the other jurors who change their vote, deeply believes in necessity of loyalty. On the other hand, the 11th juror is a European immigrant who has experiences of being prosecuted and condemned during the chaotic period of post World War Two. His experiences allow him to achieve a diverse point of view from the other American jurors and understand the “remarkable things about democracy”. Unfortunately, he is offended for his unique, distinctive opinions, which invokes many conflicts in their conversations. The 7th juror claims that he is “more American” than the 11th juror and threatens to knocked...