Tv Chacter Evaluation

Axia College Material
Appendix D

TV Character Evaluation

Part I

Write a summary of 350-700 words identifying the contributions of Freud, Jung, and Rogers.

< Freud’s contribution to psychology focused on six different categories in psychodynamics or psycho analytics. The ego Freud believed to be the part of the personality that is within the conscious level, meditated between reality and instinct.   The reality principle is the way in which the ego satisfies the demands of instinct safely and effectively. The Superego is the social and disciplined part of human nature that sets standards and projects an outward appearance of the ego ideal. Freud’s Defense Mechanisms   are self-deceptive techniques for reducing anxiety and guilt, displacement, including denial, intellectualization, repression, projection, identification, regression, reaction formation, and sublimation.
Jung’s Universal Human archetypes broke down into seven categories: Persona; defined our public self, which is the way we present ourselves to others. Anima; is the feminine archetype expressed in the male personality, Animus being the masculine archetype expressed in the female personality. Jung identified the extrovert is a person who cares for external experiences rather than his or her own internal thoughts or feelings. On the other side of extrovert is the introvert and this personality type focuses on their own thoughts or feelings and not those of others. Rational people according to Jung are people that control their actions of thinking and feeling, the irrational person on the other hand base their actions primarily on beliefs or other unconscious methods.
Rogers broke down his human personality theories in a number of ways. The tendency to actualize or the actualizing tendency meant the motivation or drive was to be all that was inherently capable of becoming. In Self actualization people are driven to self concept, or how they imagine themselves to be. Rogers believed that a...