Truth in Advertising

Seminar 5
Jo Morris
September 1, 2015
Dr. Karlene Barrett

There are 6 standards for advertising and other public statements. These standards are 5.01 avoidance of false or Deceptive statements, 5.02 statement by others, 5.03 Deceptions of workshops and non-degree-granting educational programs, 5.04 media presentations, 5.05 testimonials, 5.06 in-person solicitation. Psychologists are responsible for misprinted information. A large amount of dishonesty in this field. Some of the case study how they would promote products under their license and the product has not been proven. Went to I do not see any credentials. I found the fees, schedules are there with short description, or title of. Expensive and you have to fish for the information. Too large of speakers. Psychology professionals often testify in court, when they do so, they are paid for their time, the report submitted, and sometimes for their expertise in the field. Many times the attorneys who subpoena psychology professional do not understand that psychology professionals are experts in an exact field of study, not all fields of psychology. How do you protect your professional reputation under the code with the attorney? What exact statuses will you show the attorney so you are not in any ethical violation of APA code? Explain what each standard does protect your professional reputation. Tell the attorney your specialty. Give details show credentials have to establish boundaries. What should a psychology professional take into consideration before agreeing to participate in any type of media article, testimony in court, or speaking engagements about current research? What factors should be elevated? Think about the areas of conflict of interest, personal or professional bias, and multiple relationships before answering this question. What areas would be of the greatest concern so as not to be in violation of the ethics code?   Confidentiality. People can miss-interpret...