Triumphs of Science

Triumphs of Science

We all hear about science and its achievements in this modern arena. It is the knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, based on facts that we can prove. Known or unknown to our conscience, we are harnessed by the laws of science, its causes and its effects.   Man’s attempt to conquer land, air, water and in fact all the forces of nature, is now almost complete. Networks of railways are linking together the important towns and cities all over the world. By the steamship man has acquired complete mastery over the wild oceans. The jet planes are booming across the sky with a speed faster than the speed of sound. Terrible epidemics like cholera, small-pox, plague etc. that have once carried off thousands of lives have now lost their terror, thanks to the immense resources of healing. Science has given eyes to the blind, ear to the deaf, voice to the dumb, and hand and feet to the cripple.
Today man cannot live even for a while without the use of one or the other of its inventions. The globe has shrunk and the world has become a small village. Science has conquered time and space. Still more wonderful is the invention of the wireless. It is now possible to talk to a person sitting at the other side of the globe. Powerful machines have lessened human drudgery and added to our comfort and happiness. In the field of education, computer and internet have made a revolution in the learning system. All these innovations are getting possible due to the immense hard work and dedication of the scientists who spend day in and day out in their researches trying to bring out results from their experiments. Archimedes humorously said that, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” Nothing is impossible in the field of science. It’s a vast ocean of knowledge in which we still have a long way to go. We still have many things to unlock, invent and discover. That is why...