Traits and Self-Concept

Q1) In this chapter three main types of personality was discussed, Freudian theory, Neo-Freudian theory and trait theory. Why do you think trait theory has proven to be a popular approach to understand consumer behaviour?

Freudian theory is based on one’s unconscious needs developing his personality and believes that it is a result of his biological drives, his stand on moral values, and his conscious control to balance his impulsive drives with what he’s learnt to be right or wrong.
The id - warehouse of primitive and impulsive drives, operates on the pleasure principle
The superego - individual expression of moral and ethical codes of conduct
The ego - individual’s conscious control, attempts to balance the id and the superego

Neo-Freudian theory is based on that a person’s personality is formed from his social relationships and cultural influence.

(1) Those who seek success to win admiration
(2) Those who seek love and appreciation
(3) Those who desire independence

Trait theory measures individual differences in personality as it assumes that people have many dimensions to their personality.

A trait is a distinguishing characteristic or quality (that may be inherited, environmentally determined or be a combination of the two), especially of one's personal nature.

The sum of traits (characteristics) in a person determines his behaviour or indicates how he would like to behave hence it shows his personality.   Personality in turn affects a person’s perception i.e. what he learns, how he interprets what he has learnt and how he feels and acts about what he has learnt (offensive or defensive).

Hence we think that trait theory is popular because marketers can use this to better understand consumers’ personality, perception and behaviour and therefore be able to bring about marketing strategies to better target the segment group in mind.
(Based on similar traits of the group and positioning it based on the group’s perception)

Q2) This...