Total Quality Management

Quality products and services are not always easy to come by in today’s businesses because of lack of quality management.   Total quality management is something many companies strive to attain.   In this essay, I will be defining total quality management, describing its impact the globalization quality, as well as comparing and contrasting traditional management styles with quality focused management styles.

Total Quality Management is a strategic system involving teamwork, which is essential to the success of all businesses.   This process has been developed and strengthened over several decades.   This has caused businesses to work together to improve their knowledge of recent technology and approaches to training.   Total Quality Management helps to competitively meet the demands of customers by bringing organizations together with management enabling professionals to improve customer quality.   Total Quality is a management approach which originated in Japan in the 1950s and was brought to the US by Deming and then gained popularity throughout the 1980s (Stark, 1998). Even with its popularity, many companies found it difficult to implement TQM because the upper management did not invest monies in training their top leadership and have everyone involved in the new product development and involved with the new customer drives, as this would have allowed their companies to have continued growth. Some of the key points of TQM are having upper management integral in the process, customer-driven quality, commitment from the company, continuity and movement toward development and improvement, the employees should be active participants in the process, and the company should act fast on all responses, and the culture should be conducive for TQM to be implemented (Stark, 1998).

The traditional management model of "management by objectives" emphasizes a chain of command in which objectives are translated into work standards or quotas. Performance of employees is guided...