Topic: a Drastic Change Was Made to the Primary School Curriculum in 1999. 1. Explain the Rationale Behind the Need for Changes to the Curricula. 2. What Immediate and Long Term Impact Do These Changes Have for Teachers,

The environment in which the new generation of learners is being immersed is driven by gadgets and other technological devices. Hence the education system has to embark on a paradigm shift and measures be put in place in order to accommodate this new generation. We also need and to facilitate and embrace a mode of teaching and learning that will epitomize their new status. As a result of this, the Primary School curriculum underwent drastic changes in 1999, thus making a significant difference in the quality of education that is presently being delivered at the primary level.
The curriculum that existed previously before to1999 was specific in three basic areas. These were Mathematics, Reading and Writing. The content was based predominantly on the English system of education which was highly irrelevant to our society. It was dominated by the teacher wherein he was the center of all that was done, and the learner, who should be featured, took second place., Hhence, there arose a pressing need to revise the curriculum. In 1994, then Minister of Education, Burchell Whiteman positedpostulated that the Primary School curriculum was not tailored towards the enhancement of the knowledge, skills and values which should prepare students to live productive lives in their society. This saw the installation of a committee that would work feverishly to effect drastic changes.
A curriculum is a planned guide that drives instruction in the teaching and learning experience. It consists of a content area philosophy, strand with definitions, aligned scope and sequenced learner outcomes, assessment tools and programmes designed to equip students to meet local, national and international standards. Quoted
According to the constructive learning theory posited by Dewey et al, a learner constructs knowledge and meaning as they interact and experiment with ideas about the world in which he lives. It was with this view in mind that the reviewers of the curriculum added to the revised...